Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25, 2013

As we completed chapter 6 and 7 of the Grapes of Wrath, Please write a summary for each chapter by using the 5 W's  - 

When, Where, Who, What, Why

October 24, 2013

Answer the following questions for chapter 6

Group One

1.  What was the Monster?

2,  Who did the monster send to speak to the tenant?

3.  Who is the person who drove to the farmer house with the tractor?

4.  Identify Muley Graves.

5.   Who did Muley Graves talked to?

Group two

1.  What was the Monster, and why men couldn't control it?

2.  What is the Monster plan with the farm land after it all used up?

3.  Identify and describe Muley Graves

4.  Who did Muley Graves talked to and what did they talked about?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22, 2013

Group One

Define the following vocabulary words








Group Two

Define the vocabulary words and make it into a sentence

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013

As we completed Chapter 5. Please write a summary for the chapter using the 5 W's






Friday, October 18, 2013

October 18, 2013

Analysis and explain the following

The Bank—or the Company—needs—wants—insists—must have—as though the Bank or the Company were a monster, with thought and feeling,which had ensnared them.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 17, 2013

Analysis the following quote and explain what it mean to you.

. "But let a man get property he doesn't see, or can't take time to get his fingers in, or can't be there to walk on it—why, then the property is the man. He can't do what he wants, he can't think what he wants. The property is the man, stronger than he is. And he is small, not big. Only his possessions are big—and he's the servant of his property. That is so, too."

October 16, 2013

Analysis the following quote and explain what it means to you.

"Funny thing how it is. If a man owns a little property, that property is him, it's part of him, and it's like him. If he owns property only so he can walk on it and handle it and be sad when it isn't doing well, and feel fine when the rain falls on it, that property is him, and some way he's bigger because he owns it. Even if he isn't suc­cessful he's big with his property. That is so."

Monday, October 14, 2013

October 15, 2013

Recall the summaries for chapter 1 - 4 that we created last Friday.  Answer the following questions

1.  What does Steinbeck (Author of the book) describe in Chapter 1?

2.  Where was Tom Joad coming from and where was he going to when he hitched a ride with the truck driver?

3.  Identify Jim Casy? What was his occupation?

4.  What is the turtle's most outstanding characteristic?

5.  Why was Tom is jail, and what was his attitude towards his crime?



Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 10, 2013

Name: ___________________                                                   Date:__________________

Please read Page 22 through 24 in the book.

On page 23,  Jim Casy made a bold statement, and I quote, " The hell with it! There Ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue.  There's just stuff people do.  It all part of the same thing."

Please answer the following questions.

1.  What is he referring to?

2.  What is he trying to say?

3.  Who is he talking to?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 9, 2013

Name: ______________________                                                      Date: ___________________

Using Prior knowledge and contextual Clues

Group One and Two

Using the following vocabulary words and write it in complete sentences. These words are the same words from yesterday's homework that you have to find the definition for.

1.  Perplexity

2.  Reassured

3.  Anlage

4.  Declivity

5.  hypocrite

6.  Prodigal

Group Three

Below are the sentences in which the vocabulary words appear in the text. Read the sentence. Use any clues you can find in the sentence combined with your prior knowledge, and write what you think the underlined words mean in the space provided.

1.  After a while the faces of the watching men lost their bemused perplexity and became hard and angry and resistant.

2.  The driver was reassured. He knew at least that Joad was listening.

3.  . . . sleeping life waited to be spread and dispersed, every seed armed with an appliance of dispersal, . . . all passive but armed with appliances of activity, still, but each possessed of the anlage of movement.

4.  Joad speeded his pace against the sun, and he started down the declivity.

5.  I figgered there just wasn't no hope for me. an' I was a damned ol' hypocrite. But I didn't mean to be.

6.  Maybe Tom'll kill the fatted calf like for the prodigal in Scripture.


Monday, October 7, 2013

October 8, 2013

Name: _______________________                                         Date: _____________________

Anatomy of a Dust Bowl - GROUP ONE : Fill 2-3 causes in each column below.

GROUP 2: on the following lines, explain in 2 or more sentences what HUMAN and ENVIRONMENTAL CAUSES led to the Dust Bowl happening.

NATURAL CAUSES                                            HUMAN CAUSES
OF THE DUST BOWL                                         OF THE DUST BOWL


GROUP THREE:  Personal Reactions - Recall the video clips that we watched this morning, write 2 or more sentences in reaction  to what the survivors share, as well as your thoughts on what it might have been like to experience a dust storm.








October 7, 2013

Name: _________________________                                                                  Date; _____________

Define each word

1.   Perplexity

2.  Reassured

3.  Anlage

4.  Declivity

5.  Hypocrite

6. Prodigal